
Presentation of Kelpom's Affiliate Program

5€ offered for any Partner account activation


Last updated: April 7, 2023

We deeply thank you for joining our Affiliate Program and are happy to count you among our partners.

How the Program Works

Basic Principle

The basic principle of our affiliate program is to reward partners who have helped us generate sales. To do this, we assign them a personal link associated with the Kelpom account they use to promote our service. A cookie will be placed in the browser of any visitor who clicks on the link in question. If the visitor makes a purchase, this cookie will allow us to associate the sale with your account and pay you a commission.

The 3 Commission Levels & 90 Day Cycle

There are 3 commission levels:

  • Bronze Level: 10% commission
  • Silver Level: 15% commission
  • Gold Level: 20% commission

The commission rate applied to the Revenue is calculated based on the sales generated during a 90 day period. The Bronze level is the starting level at the beginning of each cycle. To earn a higher commission, the Partner must reach targets before the end of the period.

Here is a table summarizing the levels and targets to reach:

Level Commission Goal
Bronze 10% -
Silver 15% €200.00
Gold 20% €500.00

For example, if you reach the Gold level before the end of the Cycle, the 20% commission rate will be used to calculate your compensation on all sales made during the current period, including sales made when your level was Bronze and Silver.

Our Mission & Values

As a partner, we rely on you to promote our service of course but we also hope you will be able to share and promote our values. These are very simple and can be summed up in a few words: respect for the environment, respect for resources and respect for people.

Reducing E-Waste

Our service is part of an e-waste reduction initiative. By providing information on used devices, Kelpom makes it easier to fluidify the used smartphone market, thereby prolonging their useful life and reducing the need to buy new products and use resources.

Fighting Fraud, Theft and Receiving Stolen Goods

Also in this spirit of making the used market more fluid and thanks to our verification tools, our goal is to allow our customers to avoid the still too many scams on second-hand sites.

Premium Services

You can earn commissions on all of our Premium offerings.

Classic & HD Premium Reports

Our bestsellers are the Premium packages ("Classic Premium Report" & "HD Premium Report") sold at $3.40 and $6.70 respectively. These packages allow our customers to get all the information they need in one go.

Premium A La Carte information

Some of our customers only need specific information and can purchase that information individually rather than buying a full Premium Report. This is what we call A La Carte information. This information is sold between $1.60 and $5.50.

FLEX Premium Token Packs

Finally, we also offer "FLEX Premium Tokens" available in Packs of 3 to 100 for a price ranging from $2.20 to $38.50. These tokens offer several advantages:

  • The Tokens allow customers to purchase both A La Carte information and Premium Reports.
  • Using tokens avoids having to pay for each purchase and therefore gets information more quickly
  • The Packs make it possible to get better rates. For example, with a Pack of 100 Tokens the cost per Classic Premium Report is only $1.90 instead of $3.40, a savings of 41.5%.

Other Parameters

Balance Payment

- Payment of your account balance can only be requested when it reaches the minimum threshold of €20

- In the current state of the program, payment requests will be processed manually

- The preferred payment method is SEPA bank transfer. Other payment methods can be considered at the Partner's request but without guarantee that we can use it. In the absence of any other option, we will use PayPal to settle your Balance.

- In any case, the fees associated with the payment of the Balance are the responsibility of the Partner and will be deducted from the amount paid.

- Please note that requesting payment of the balance results in the immediate end of the current period and the start of a new Cycle.

Tracking Cookie

The Cookie used to track visitors lasts 180 days. In other words, you can earn a commission up to 6 months after a user's first visit.

Free Tokens for your visitors on purchase

Visitors coming to through you who purchase a Premium service get free FLEX Premium Tokens as a gift (on their first purchase only). For your information, you will find in the table below the number of tokens offered based on the price of the service sold:

Price Tokens Offered
€1.49 - €1.99 1 Token
€2.49 - €2.99 2 Tokens
€4.99 - €5.99 3 Tokens
€8.99 5 Tokens
€19.99 8 Tokens
€34.99 10 Tokens